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Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Hadoop might not be the only Big Data gamester around, but the software has had an unprecedented impact. Its illustrious advent on the technology scene has been celebrated so extensively that the open source data platform is now a universal term for storing and analyzing huge sets of data.

The natural thought progression leads to a simple question – What makes this ‘baby elephant’ the most coveted mistress of all businesses – big or small?

While in our previous post, we talked about what Hadoop is and how the skill gap it has created in the industry can be bridged; in this post, we give a lowdown on the reasons Hadoop is such a massive hit.

Reason 1: Open, inexpensive; therefore, a darling

Hadoop is an open source data platform that is designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware, which means that it allows organizations to construct clusters from inexpensive commodity x86 servers. This brings down the cost of cluster construction incredibly and makes data storage with Hadoop far less costly than prior methods of data storage.

This may pretty much explain the phenomenal success, there is more to the story.

Reason 2: Handles massive and varied types of data

Big Data Analytics expert Brian Proffitt elaborates on the advantages of Hadoop: “Simply by adding more servers to a cluster, Hadoop allows storage of massive data in whatever form you need.” This is to say Hadoop can handle all types of data from disparate systems: structured, unstructured, log files, pictures, audio files, communications records, email– just about anything you can think of, regardless of its native format.

Reason 3: Makes organizations ‘Big Data happy’

Hadoop, an open source itself, works well with other similar technologies, and also offers a remarkably affordable cost of initial acquisition and ongoing ownership. And in today’s hyper-connected world where more and more data is being created every day, Hadoop helps enterprises to store, quite literally, all of their data, and keep it all online, at incredibly low costs, hitherto unheard of. Thanks to Hadoop, even the most cash-strapped organizations are now Big Data happy.

Many would still ask why is the ability to economically store and analyse large volumes of data so valuable?

Picture this: Lots of data was thrown away by an organisation because it believed that the storage cost would exceed the actual value of the data. There were quite a lot of interesting and lucrative linkages and relationships out there which could not be discovered because the organisation could not afford to have all the data structured and analysed. Hadoop bridged that gap. Makes sense now?

Reason 4: Fast and fastidious

With Hadoop, all data can be captured, and stored as fast as it is generated. This means, Hadoop lets you dump all types of data into your Hadoop cluster even if you do not know, at that point in time, how you intent to query it. It gives you the freedom to decide that later.

The economic benefits of all this? It is difficult to put a finger to this pulse. But the truly revolutionary step change in technology – Hadoop – has certainly benefitted organizations inexplicably. For evidence, take a look at, eBay and Google, that shot to fame as huge business enterprises within no time.

Late last year, speaking at the Financial Information Management (FIMA) event in London, Mark Uksusman, senior manager, data architecture at ebay, had claimed the online retailer has one of the largest implementations of Teradata in production. “We are one of the biggest Teradata implementations in the world, we are processing 90PB of data,” said Uksusman.

He explained that tools such as Hadoop had clear benefits in areas such as real-time analytics. The use of these tools helped ebay gain better insight into the masses of data that it generates and processes across its business.The information gained by ebay’s team of data  scientists was used to bring insights into customer behaviour, and enable predictive marketing.

This provided benefits as the company, which started trading purely as an auction site, moved into fixed price retail and attempted to tie in wider services such as its payments platform PayPal, and StubHub ticket trading.

5. A promising future

The prospects of Hadoop as well of its experts, are very promising and transactional. Still in its nascent stage, Hadoop has caught the fancy of data scientists like nothing. While the demand for Hadoop experts is growing tremendously in the industry; experts are innovating on it like gangbusters and introducing splendidly efficient features regularly. Not surprisingly, Hadoop is on its way to become an enterprise staple soon.

So, if you, too, want to be a part of the ‘Hadoop boom’, stay tuned for more on the ‘baby elephant’! In the meantime, arm yourself with nothing but the best. Join Hadoop courses on WizIQ and become the next big Hadoop expert in town.


BIG DATA(HADOOP) Institutions In Ameerpet, Hyderabad.

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  1. Its really useful blog. Thanks for sharing this useful information..
